terça-feira, 25 de maio de 2010

Zombie Consumerism

When we buy whithout thinking, motivated perhaps by a super-low price, lust, or naked apetite, we are guilty of Zombie Consumerism.But the parallels to sustainability and zombies don´t have to die there.
Example: George Romero´s Zombie movie 'Night of the Living Dead' (1986) has been classicaly read as a commentary on race-relations. The movie´s African American hero is seemingly (and finaly) mistaken for a member of the ondead in the movie´s final scene.In 1978 Romero returned with part two of the ultimate Zombie triglogy with 'dawn of the Dead'.True to his intent to shoot a Zombie film every decade yhat would reflect modern culture, in Dawn Romero keeps pace with our ever-changing American psycographics by turning his blade to consumerism.This late seventies flirt with consumerism is a perfect place to begin a Zombie dialogue about sustainability.
In 'Dawn', a band of heroes hide in a maal, georging themselves on free food as the Zombies pound at the doors. There are scenes of mass consumption as the survivors play with a pastoral sense os American bounty-everything at their fingertips to consume for free.


Consumerism is a social and economic order that is based on the systematic creation and fostering of a desire to purchase goods or services in ever great amounts.
The desire natures of shopping, together with the seductions of advertising, have blurred the boundaries betwen need and greed.
Whether shopping on the streets. in catalogues or on the Internet, there is an insatiable appetite to spend, spend, spend, which sometimes verges on the obscene.
We are swept along on a tide of manic devotion into hypermarkets and shopping malls, those modern day 'cathedrals' of consumerism.

terça-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2009

Summary of English culture lesson / 9-2-2009

In this classe we speak as it should be the organizade the information in a production of a written text.
First we need to frame our position (subtitle:adds structure to the essay), cause a poor construction of the argument is an obstacle, we need to our information whit a base, justification. We need to show our intellectual development, go deeper in the subject and give something ours , something og our opinion.Need to be persuassive, have a subject knowledge and personnal resunce; have previous arguments in the area, need to include new things, not repeating.
To criate an argument we need to organize the information, need to understand and aply teory.Teacher show to as an example of a boate, to buil a boat whe need to have information of differents areas and make them come together.
So knowledge is a pre-requirement but not everything, we need to have a view or opinion only ours, and can not have errors in writting arguments, but writte a good argument.
We need to considering a position, and the points that we want to make, summarize the arguments after start explain them.
I the end we need to put a personal coment.

terça-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2009

o povo...

Cuiabá é um povo de origens humildes que não se sabe onde nasceram originalmente.Sabemos apenas que existem elementos desta subcultura por todo o mundo.
Sabe-se que sao um povo que não provoca qulaquer tipo de conflitos, uma vez que são contra a guerra e todo o tipo de desacatos publicos e internos (dentro do próprio grupo).
Não se vestem de nenhuma forma em particular, cada elemento é livre de se vestir e pentear como quiser.
Fazerem inúmeras festas e gostam de se divertir usando assim drogas e álcool para animar a festa bem como todo o tipo de músicas para se tornar o mais divertido possivel.Estas festas realizam-se no final das colheitas uma vez que o seu sustento provém principalmente da agricultura biológica / artesanal que cultivam em terrenos próprios e/ou arrendados.
A sua alimentação baseia-se em frutos e legumes que cultivam utilizando basicamente estes na sua dieta, mas utilizam temperos apurados para a confecção dos seus pratos, como por exemplo pimenta , malaguetas....
As suas tradições baseiam-se nas romarias e festas que produzem em honra dos seus deuses.
As suas mulheres não têm qualquer tipo de restrições podendo casar-se com homens de outros clãs ou culturas.